Reverse Osmosis Vs UV Light Water Filtration

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There are plenty of water purification methods out there, but how do you know which one is the best for your needs? Well, here is a comparison between reverse osmosis and UV light water filters.

RO Vs UV Light Water Filters

The Method

First and foremost, you need to understand how different water purification systems work

Reverse Osmosis Systems

In very simple terms, reverse osmosis filtration allows very high pressure to push water with contaminants through a semipermeable membrane. This membrane is interesting because it lets water pass through without any problem, but it leaves the contaminants behind. So, think of it as a very fine mesh that filters out impurities.

Reverse osmosis, also known as RO, is a very effective process in getting rid of all impurities and making water safe for drinking. It’s usually used in industries, but its use is bleeding very fast into homes too, because of how nifty and effective the process is.

UV Light Filtration Systems

As for UV light filtration, it is a process that doesn’t physically remove impurities from water, but rather with a specific light. We all know how UV lights work. It’s a very fluorescent light that is emitted by the sun. It’s bad for the skin, but it’s even worse for germs.

A UV light filtration system works in such a way that a light probe is dipped in water and a switch is turned on. This is essentially the UV light. It kills germs and bacteria in the water; after letting the water be exposed to it for a bit and you’ll get safe water in no time. This is a much more modern technique of purifying water.

Ease Of Use

The next factor that you need to consider when deciding which system is best for your house is the ease of use. Let’s be real! If a water purification system has to be used with the intelligence of a scientist, then it’s no good for a layman.

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis can be a bit tricky at first, especially if you don’t know how it works, but it’s amazing, once you get the hang of it. There are just a lot of parts in the RO assembly that you need to understand and get the hang of, but it’s worth it if you want clean and safe water for the long haul.

UV Light Filtration Systems

UV filters are easier to use than a spoon. All you need to do is dip the probe in the jug of water and let it sit for the allocated time, mentioned in the instructions and that’s pretty much it. There’s not a lot that you need to master when using a UV light filtration system.

Degree Of Purification

The next comparison factor to go through is how much a specific system cleans the water.

Reverse Osmosis Systems

As far as a reverse osmosis system VA is concerned, it can remove about 99% of impurities from the water. This includes dirt, sediments, and even small bacteria.

Any bacteria and germs that are smaller than the pores of the semipermeable membrane are going to pass through, but there are not a lot of bacteria that can float away freely from the clutches of reverse osmosis. So, the result is water that’s very pure and safe for use.

UV Light Filtration Systems

The process of UV light water filtration is pretty smooth and it can also get rid of all germs and bacteria in the water, but under one condition. The water must be clear and free of any suspended sediments. A UV light filtration system works only on filtered water and it won’t do a good job with cloudy water.

So, if that’s the kind of water you’re seeing in your taps, then the UV light filtration system won’t work because part of the process is the UV light going through clear water to kill bacteria, and with murky water, that’s not possible. You’ll either need to filter the water first, which is an extra step, or just have bacteria-infested clear water, for the UV light filtration system to work.


Maintenance is hard, especially when it comes to something you use daily, so you need to invest in a water purification system that won’t make you a maintenance slave.

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis water filtration system, sadly, is very high on the maintenance side. Since it’s a full-blown assembly, you need to be extremely cautious of all the parts and have to ensure that everything is working smoothly. Granted, an RO system doesn’t break down daily, but when it does, you need to get it fixed, otherwise your water supply will be badly affected.

UV Light Filtration Systems

UV light filtration systems are really easy to maintain. If it’s said that this system doesn’t need to be maintained, then it wouldn’t be wrong.

It’s very cheap to maintain and look after and you just need to measure that you’re not breaking the glass probe, because that’s the magic wand, literally, and you want to keep it safe from things that could potentially damage it in the long run. So, a UV light filtration system is great for people who just can’t find the time to maintain things.


Next comes the very important factor which is price. A lot of people keep the price at the forefront because they don’t want anything that is too out of budget.

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems are a bit on the expensive side, as compared to UV light filtration systems. Because the RO system is a full assembly with a lot of parts and a UV light filtration system is just a light probe with a plug, you can easily tell which one is pricier. This makes the latter a better choice, especially for someone whose wallet is not forgiving.


Versatility also steals the show when it comes to choosing the right water purification system.

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems can be used in houses, offices, and even industries, and they work with almost any type of water, whether it’s murky, dirty, or infested with bacteria, instead of hard water.

This makes the RO system a great all-around choice because you can get purified water at the end of the line, no matter what type of water you use. So, it’s a great investment in that sense, even though it’s a bit on the expensive side.

UV Light Filtration Systems

Since a UV filter can only work on virtually clear water, you can’t get the full experience. It’s not a good choice for people who have murky water coming through their taps and that’s a deal breaker for them.

Also, the UV light filtration system doesn’t purify hard water either, so that’s not good, because the precipitates of calcium and magnesium are unaffected by the UV light and that’s a bummer. So, even though the UV light filtration system is small and nifty, it’s not a good choice for proper water purification.


Each water purification method serves different purposes and both can be different in the way they purify water, so this guide will help you out a lot. You can take a look at both and other types of well water filtration systems Jefferson County to choose the right one for your needs.

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